Saturday, January 26, 2013

Your mind is your spiritual GURU

In our search for spiritual growth, we come across a large amount of information. The Internet is teeming with spiritual sites, new books appear to be released at a higher rate than ever before and new gurus everywhere. In many ways this is a fantastic time in search of knowledge.
Most of us have been trained to look for this knowledge outside of ourselves. We have delegated the responsibility for our learning to others, seems our parents, our teachers, our leaders, the media, or some "gurus" who have all the answers. "Tell me what I do" seems to be the mantra of the modern knowledge society seeking individual. We are looking for a source that is a book that answers a philosophy that all of us can. Then we can just relax. We have found it.

Check out this website:

Check out the links below:

But there is a problem with the assignment of the responsibility of our learning to others. They will always offer their knowledge from their perspective. Especially when it comes to spiritual matters (though certainly not limited to), comes another person is not necessarily the truth to be your truth.
It's not that other people do not have something of value to teach us. You do. The problem occurs when we shut down our own brains and take an "all or nothing" approach. Either the person has nothing of value to us, or we can arrange the status of guru and believe everything they say.
Realistically, but that's not quite the way it works. Everybody, you know, every book you read, everything that gets your attention, has something of value to offer. Not everything they say, to work for you, but there is always a grain of truth there for you. You have to find it. You are not really anything new. All that you need to do is remember what you already know deep inside.

Check out this website:

How do you recognize it? You can feel it. There is resonance when you hear or read something that sounds right for you, a rush of energy, a feeling in my stomach. It feels good. It feels right. And you know that it's true for you. Have not you ever read or heard someone speak words that will express something, you always seemed to somehow know? It's like they took your thoughts and organize them easily in a way you had not previously able to do. It felt like they did not really know what you have new information, but also remind you of something you already knew. That was a piece of your truth.

Check out the links below:

There is no one guru, book, website or anything else, the answers you all. Nobody can give you all the answers, because no one with the exact same experience that you are. We are all unique individuals, to live our own lives and our own experiences. And we all have our own truths, our own unique set of answers.

In this sense, I would encourage you to always determine your own guidance, which information is right for you and what does not. You are your own best guru. You can find some information on this site (and others like it) that you agree with and some you do not. Some things are. "Resonance" with you, you will find it in your gut This is to remind you what you already know. Some things will evoke no response. Some may evoke a negative reaction. You may think some of it is a bit "out there".

Check out this website:

Check out the links below:

So, I encourage you to take that leave resonance with you and the rest. Search from what sources you are drawn to it be books, websites or other people. When you begin to be respected, you will find that the answers to your questions are all around you. You can listen to an excerpt from the radio, have a seemingly chance encounter at the grocery store or see an article in a magazine. Feeling the resonance spark of recognition Take things, leave the resound in you and the rest. There is nothing wrong with this information, it's just not for you, or may not be for the moment.
You are your own best teacher. You are the only thing that is right for you and do not know what. Listen to that inner voice, think for themselves and not delegate the responsibility to decide what is true for anyone else.

Check out this website:

It is my sincere desire that you spend some time on this page, you will find resonance with some of the information. But I do not expect you with everything I write and say agree. Pay attention to what feels right for you, and leave the rest for others. Pay attention to your truth. Because, you're really the only guru you'll ever need.

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